Endings, Beginnings And Something Different

Endings, Beginnings And Something Different

  It’s the time of the year when recap posts are written, followed by drafting of resolution lists. It requires time for reflection and space for clarity to emerge. I wanted to do it too but I couldn’t. Not for lack of motivation, but because I fell sick. Life...
The Gentle Antidote to Burnout

The Gentle Antidote to Burnout

  An author’s life is supposed to be a creative one filled with muses, epiphanies and accolades. From toiling away in solitude staring at a blank page (or screen) to receiving awards in front of huge audiences, there are many things a writer fantasizes about in...
Savoring – The Opposite of Efficiency

Savoring – The Opposite of Efficiency

After a few weeks in the USA where winter weather meant that the sun was not to be seen for several days, I found myself appreciating the sunshine that I take for granted when I’m home.  In sunny Singapore, my day began with warm daylight streaming into my bedroom...

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