It’s that time of the year again! The second half of December is a special time – not just because Christmas is round the corner but because it feels like a logical time to slow down, take stock and rest, before the new year with its resolutions and plans...
Today is Vijayadashami, also known as Dusshera (or Dasara if you prefer) – The day of victory after the nine nights of Navratri. Two years ago, on this day, I formally launched my first full-length book, Rewriting My Happily Ever After – a memoir of...
I’ll Show Myself Out: Essays On Midlife And Motherhood By Jessi Klein Just before Mother’s Day last month, I began listening to Jessi Klein’s memoir in essays, an eye-opening account of the challenges of mothering a young child. Not because it covers any new...
The book She was fashionable and rich. She wore stilettos and danced at the latest clubs and had dreams of going to London to become a famous paediatrician. But her destiny was elsewhere — in the dusty little village of Kapashera. This is a compelling and...
In the twelfth interview of the Desi Divorce Discussion series, I finally get to talk to Anu, a reader from California who sent me a heartfelt “Your book was a sign” message on Facebook right after reading my book. We stayed in touch as she went through...
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