Two Books About The Creative Life

Two Books About The Creative Life

  A few weeks ago I asked writers to recommend their favorite books about writing. I knew the standard books that everyone suggests, Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg and On Writing by Stephen King. But I wanted unusual...
How Yoga Helped Me Become a Better Writer

How Yoga Helped Me Become a Better Writer

My tryst with yoga began at the gym at my workplace in California. Returning to the laboratory six weeks after giving birth had not been easy. My body felt like a shapeless semi-deflated balloon. I dragged myself to work each day with sleep-deprived eyes that seemed...
How I discovered myself in an ashram

How I discovered myself in an ashram

“Yoga is the journey of the Self, to the Self, through the Self.”                    Bhagavad GitaSeveral years ago, I spent a month in an ashram in Kerala in order to get certified as a “yoga teacher.” I had been practising yoga for almost fifteen years,...

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