Episode 8 – Desi divorce discussion – Listen to your heart
August 28, 2022


In this deeply honest fifth interview in the Desi Divorce Discussion series, I’m speaking with Manjula, who read my book, Rewriting My Happily Ever After – a memoir of divorce and discovery, and then connected with me via Twitter.

Manjula is an engineer by training but the one thing that we have in common is a love for reading and writing. In fact, Manjula wrote and published a novel during the pandemic. Manjula lives in Tiruvananthapuram, in Kerala, India and has two teenage children.

Quite often people wonder if women with more than one child and without a job would be bold enough to walk out of an unhappy marriage. After her divorce nice years ago, Manjula gave up her job in order so spend more time with her children. She moved to a town with a reasonable cost of living and figured out her savings and investment in order to do so.

Support and solace has come from multiple sources – friends, neighbours, books, music and writing. In spite of her challenges – due to her health condition and Covid-19, she now lives with her parents but has used the time during the pandemic to to write a novel.

Manjula’s advice to women who hesitate to leave an unhappy marriage is to listen to their heart. “We tend to exaggerate the happiness of others while minimising our own misery. While life after divorce is not easy, it is certainly a better place to be,” says Manjula.

Listen to Manjula’s uplifting story of following her heart and crafting a better story for herself and her children. It was only after her divorce that she took steps to fulfil her ‘harmless’ wishes like traveling within and outside India.

Whether you are thinking about divorce, have left an unhappy marriage or are curious about how women fare after divorce, do listen and let me know your thoughts.

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Connect with me at https://www.ranjanirao.com. Follow me on Instagram @ranjaniwriter, on Facebook @ranjaniwriter and on Twitter @ranjaniwriter

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