Episode 4 – Desi divorce discussion – I needed to get my wings first!
June 10, 2022

“Maybe my life hasn’t been chaotic. Ruin is a gift: ruin is the road to transformation” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert

I am excited to share the second interview with Shan, a new friend I made through my book, Rewriting My Happily Ever After – a memoir of divorce and discovery.

Shan contacted me on Instagram back in January 2022 after reading my book. It was recommended to her in her single parents support group. She felt that the book resonated with me on many levels and wanted to let me know how it had impacted her. Shan and I may have crossed paths unknowingly because she had lived in Singapore during her difficult marriage and had returned to India to sort things out.

How I wish we had met in person in Singapore! Yet, the universe has its mysterious ways and now we are in touch through social media and phone calls.

Shan’s wake up call to leave her marriage came when her body gave her unmistakeable hints and a final ultimatum to tackle what was clearly not working.

Listen to her amazing story of how she got back on her feet, literally and figuratively, restored her health and re-established her career and made a fresh start in a new place.

With her mother’s support who helped take care of her son as she encouraged her to “find her wings”, Shan took a flying leap and now lives in Hong Kong with her son.

Shan talks about the myth of ‘self-made”, the value of friendship,and the hard work involved in creating a better life for yourself and your child. We also discuss how books about divorce do not highlight the cultural nuances of our Indian backgrounds and how that affects our decision-making as well as our approach to life, something she felt made my book more relatable to her.

Whether you are thinking about divorce, have come out from an unhappy marriage or are curious about how women fare after divorce, do listen and let me know your thoughts.

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Let’s keep the conversation going!

Connect with me at https://www.ranjanirao.com. Follow me on Instagram @ranjaniwriter, on Facebook @ranjaniwriter and on Twitter @ranjaniwriter

To submit a question or be featured as a guest on my show, email hi@ranjanirao.com or drop a comment below.

Photo credit: AARN GIRI on Unsplash

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