After two years of staying home in Singapore, I was super excited to finally embark on our long-awaited family holiday to the USA in early December. Many things that we were concerned about happened smoothly (Covid-testing for example), and some things we...
What I Learned From Ten Conversations About Community
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead Action inspires me. The epiphany strikes me as I Iie in bed, nursing a sore back and wobbly legs that have...
Morocco On My Mind
A simple clay tajine reminds me of the fabulous food and adventures of a holiday in the beautiful country of Morocco
In Praise of A Solo Staycation
A solo staycation may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I rejoiced in the silence, solitude and the freedom to do as I please. Try it if you dare
Lessons From A Twenty-five Year Career As Woman In Science
Flexibility is the one thing that I have desired in my twenty-five years career as a woman scientist across three countries
Why I Travel And Why I Miss It Now
The urge to travel peaks during a pandemic that requires staying home and makes me wonder why I love to travel
Letting go in Ladakh
Looking towards acclaimed travel writer Pico Iyer for inspiration to write about finding stillness in a life of movement
Zanzibar Days
Little did I know on the calm sunny afternoon on a pristine beach in Zanzibar that the following year would involve only virtual travel, thanks to Covid
Quilting Stories of Random Acts of Kindness
Countering the gloom by sharing personal stories of hope and gratitude from my life. An invitation to share your story.
My American Life – Sharing Stories of Kindness
Countering the gloom by sharing personal stories of hope and gratitude for my experiences in America. Sometimes we are able to pay it forward.
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