“Once I leave my husband’s house, am I still a wife?”
After the family’s return to India, when her home situation deteriorates, Ranjani walks out. While struggling with doubts, detours and unexpected loss, Ranjani learns to rebuild her new life and identity as a single parent.
Rewriting My Happily Ever After is an evocative, honest account of the aftermath of divorce in an unsupportive culture. Yet, this uplifting story of grace and courage shows how to build resilience and find happiness by being true to yourself.
Praise For The Book
“Ranjani Rao shows how to not only survive divorce without rancor and bitterness but how to thrive in a new and independent life.”
~Melissa Gouty, Author of The Magic of Ordinary
~ Veena Rao, Author of Purple Lotus
“For an unfiltered view of the on-ground realities after a marriage breaks up and a roadmap of how to create a joyful, authentic life, read this book.”
~ Prachi Vaish, Clinical Psychologist & Psychotherapist

Ranjani Rao
Dr. Ranjani Rao is a trained scientist and a self-taught writer. She is the author of three books. Her award-winning personal essays and op-eds have appeared in several digital and print publications and anthologies.
Originally from Mumbai, India, Ranjani spent several years in the USA and now lives in Singapore with her family.
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